Keeping Torah and Self-indulgence

Proverbs 28:7 He who keeps the law is a discerning son, But he who is a companion of gluttons humiliates his father. (NASB)

Yahweh pronounces the keeper of His Torah discerning or understanding. Thus, Yahweh’s Torah (Genesis-Deuteronomy) must reflect the path of understanding, and teach us that Yahweh Himself, who gave such understanding, is understanding.

The juxtaposition here is fascinating: a companion of gluttons vs. a keeper of Torah. Being a  keeper of Torah winnows your companions. Keeping Torah and self-indulgence are antithetical. The Torah’s understanding then teaches that gluttony is contrary to the nature of Yahweh. You, O Yahweh, are not self-indulgent, gluttonous, or undisciplined in your intake of pleasure.

Our culture teaches us that more is better. The more pleasure, the better. But Your Torah does not teach this. It teaches me that the best amount of pleasure is limited by wisdom and discipline. Beyond those bounds, pleasure becomes harmful, destructive, and thus contrary to wisdom, unlike Yahweh.

Grant me understanding to keep your Torah. Holy Spirit, guide me in self-discipline. Grant me eyes to see that enough is best, and to know when enough has been reached.


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