
Showing posts from 2015

An Exegetical Basis for Truth as Correspondence to Reality

I was fascinated the other day to notice a verse in Proverbs that seemed to provide the beginnings of an exegetical argument for a “correspondence” definition of truth. Further study convinced me that “truth” in Scripture is defined in terms of correspondence to reality. Before I trace out the full argument, here’s the quick summary: Truth is a form of righteousness. Righteousness is the condition of measuring up to a standard. The standard for truth in Scripture is whether a statement matches or corresponds to reality. Therefore, truth is that which corresponds to reality. Truth as Righteousness Proverbs 12:17 reads, “He who speaks truth tells what is right, But a false witness, deceit” ( nasb ). Another way of translating v. 17 is, “he who breathes out truth, declares righteousness” [ יָפִ֣יחַ אֱ֭מוּנָה יַגִּ֣יד צֶ֑דֶק ]. Proverbs 12:17 establishes a relationship between truth and righteousness. Since righteousness as a category may denote the condition of objec...

Remove not the ancient landmark ... what does that mean?

KJV   Proverbs 22:28 Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set. What were the “ancient landmarks?” and why weren’t they to be moved? I have on various occasions read or heard this text referenced when talking about traditional practices created by the fathers of a particular group of people. The context in which this phrase is referenced generally is admonishing people not to make changes to such traditional practices. For example, Nathan Bangs in 1850 speaks of the Methodist Episcopal Church’s “ancient landmarks” of “doctrine, discipline, or practical piety.” Similarly, I find a sermon published in 1886 in which the “ancient landmarks” were “noble patriotism, religion, and learning.” As recently as this semester, a college student asked me, “But what about the verse that says we aren’t to remove the ancient landmarks?” He had heard that verse quoted often in defense of the traditional lifestyle practices of his background. A quick look at a dict...

Keeping Torah and Self-indulgence

Proverbs 28:7 He who keeps the law is a discerning son, But he who is a companion of gluttons humiliates his father. (NASB) Yahweh pronounces the keeper of His Torah discerning or understanding. Thus, Yahweh’s Torah (Genesis-Deuteronomy) must reflect the path of understanding, and teach us that Yahweh Himself, who gave such understanding, is understanding. The juxtaposition here is fascinating: a companion of gluttons vs. a keeper of Torah . Being a  keeper of Torah winnows your companions. Keeping Torah and self-indulgence are antithetical. The Torah’s understanding then teaches that gluttony is contrary to the nature of Yahweh. You, O Yahweh, are not self-indulgent, gluttonous, or undisciplined in your intake of pleasure. Our culture teaches us that more is better. The more pleasure, the better. But Your Torah does not teach this. It teaches me that the best amount of pleasure is limited by wisdom and discipline. Beyond those bounds, pleasure becomes harmful, destructive, an...

Progressive Revelation ≠ Progressive Inscripturation

What follows are some musings on biblical theology that I've been mulling over since grad school days. On Friday of last week I took the opportunity to run this idea past Dr. John Oswalt who was on GBSC’s campus to teach Old Testament Theology. His concurrence encouraged me to post. Historically, some Biblical Theologians have confused the progress of revelation's inscripturation with the progress of revelation itself. The progress of inscripturated revelation is the history of the writing of Scripture. The progress of revelation, on the other hand, is the historical order in which God revealed truth. The progress of revelation can only be determined when Scripture itself explicitly states that a particular part of revelation was being given for the first time or had not been given before. For example, Genesis 26:5 states, “because Abraham obeyed Me and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes and My laws.” Since we have no revelation regarding what commandm...