We are members one of another (Eph. 4:25)
Ephesians 4:25 Since you put away lying, Speak the truth, each one to his neighbor, because we are members of one another. (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
“We are members of one another.” What does it mean that we are members of one another? The image is clear enough. Paul taught that we are a body in 1 Corinthians 12. Hands, eyes, head—they are vitally connected to each other. Vital connection involves mutual dependence. The well-being of each part of my body contributes to my total health. It’s not difficult to understand that in physical terms.
But do I really view myself as so vitally connected to other believers that my spiritual well-being affects theirs? The issue is not “Is it true?” The issue is what am I doing about this truth?
When I am spiritually weak, dry, or diseased, my ill health spiritually affects the spiritual health of the Body of Christ. When I am growing in Christlikeness, feeding my soul well, and living in the Spirit, my spiritual good health contributes to the overall health of the Body.
In other words, our spiritual well-being is not just our business. It is actually a matter of concern for the whole body. On an individual level, when I sit down to nourish my relationship with God through His word and prayer, I am also contributing to the nourishment of other believers in a real, yet often unseen fashion.
How is that nourishment communicated to the rest of the body of which I am a part? My attitude is infectious. The health of my soul is the subtext of my words. I cannot avoid the osmosis of my spirit any more than a cell in my body can avoid the osmosis of oxygen or carbon dioxide. In fact, any attempt to prevent such osmosis would necessarily be detrimental both to me and fellow body members.
That gives significance to the “least” of the members of the Body. That transforms my perception of the importance of my personal spiritual health. I must stay healthy! That enhances my concern for those who are members of me: please stay healthy!